During the last week of Hacker School I helped Leta sort out some issues she had with her blog setup and restore everything to sanity. It was a lot of fun and the setup is pretty straightforward so I thought I’d do a short write-up on what we did and why.
To be clear, this blog post is about solving the particular problem of how to organize a statically generated site/blog. The particulars I’m going to discuss are for when you host the site on Github Pages but you need to generate the site locally because you’re not using vanilla Jekyll or not using Jekyll at all.
This isn’t a tutorial about how to set up and use any particular static site generator. There are quite a few out there, and they all seem to be quite good. So pick one and get your site setup. You should be comfortable generating the content of your site before worrying about what I’m describing in this post.
One of the best and worst things about using a static site generator (SSG) is that the source for the site is fundamentally a separate thing from the actual files that compose the site itself. The good news is that the generated files are, well, generated. Given the source for a site you can always regenerate the presentation files.
So clearly we want to keep the source for our site under version control. If you’re using Github Pages then git is a natural choice. But Github Pages also requires that the generated content of your site be in a git repository. This leads to an un-intuitive setup. Because the source and published files don’t actually share a common history, it seems like they need to be stored in separate git repositories. However, there is a fundamental relationship between the files that dictates that organizationally they should always be found together.
Luckily for us, git is flexible enough to allow us to achieve both
these seemingly conflicting goals. Since the usual workflow for a git
repository simply involves git init
and then edit, add
cycles, it’s less well known that a git repository can
actually contain multiple independent “head” commits. Don’t worry if
that doesn’t totally make sense. The important thing is that we can
store two separate revision histories in the same git repository.
So, you have the source for a static site, and you’ve maybe written some dummy (or real!) content for it and generated the site at least once. Now, we want to make sure that we have a setup that will help us preserve all of your hard work on making an awesome website.
The first thing we need to do is to make sure we have git repositories
in both the source and output directories by running git init
both of them separately. Since most SSG’s by default use a structure
where the output folder is a subdirectory of the source folder, make
sure that you have an entry in your gitignore file so that the output
isn’t committed into the source repository. At this point we should
have two git repo’s, one that only has the site source content
(including any files need by your SSG) and one that only has the
generated version of your site.
Now for the magic trick of combining the repositories. Let’s say we have this folder structure:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
At a shell prompt in the directory website
, you can run:
1 2 |
Basically, what we’re doing is setting one repository as a remote of
the other, and then pushing the content to new branch there. Now the
repository contains both the source and output files in
separate git branches. Pushing all the branches of this to a hosting
site means you have a complete backup of your site.
Now, the process of updating your site is a little more complicated than the general Github Pages workflow of edit, commit and push since you need to generate the site yourself.
First, edit your site’s content files. Commit as necessary for your peace of mind. Once you’re satisfied with how the content looks (you’ve been previewing and generating the site right?), it’s time to commit the new content to the output branch, and then push it to your hosting location.
That’s basically it. It’s a simple structure, but it’s not totally straightforward of how to get it set up, and it’s also a bit more work to maintain. Of course there are some interesting tools out there to help with this process. Octopress 2.0 tries to setup this structure automatically for you, and provides a Rakefile for helping to automate a lot of the normal tasks like site generation, previewing and even deployment. Pelican offers to generate a Makefile and/or a fabfile for doing the same sorts of things. Pelican also makes use of the really neat GHP-Import project to simplify the deploying process.
Now go forth and blog!