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Shaving the Clojurescript Yak(s)

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About a week ago I got fed up with a terrible website that had comics on it I wanted to read. So I decided to write a little web app to make the reading experience more pleasant. Since I’m an avid Clojurian, I’ve been interested in checking out Clojurescript for doing web development, and in particular exploring the wonderful new world of React.js wrappers available in Clojurescript. This is the story of how I learned to setup a Clojurescript project.

Since I’ve been interested in Clojurescript for a while, and even toyed with it a few times, I came into this project with at least a fair idea of what was out there. I knew about Om, and new basically how the Clojurescript compilation process worked. I also am vaguely comfortable with setting up a basic Clojure web app using Ring and Compojure.

I was also aware that there had been significant advances in the Clojurescript workflow in the past few years. Most importantly I knew about an apparently awesome Leiningen project template for Clojure/Clojurescript web apps called Chestnut. However, the times that I had tried to get up and running with Chestnut previously I was totally overwhelmed by the amount of unfamiliar code/configuration that it produced. Quite frankly, it seemed excessive, and quickly led to me giving up on whatever project-of-the-moment had inspired me.

So! This time, I determined to not start with Chestnut, and instead build up slowly from the basic Lein app template that I was already familiar with. And so commenced roughly five full days of mostly yak-shaving. I’m not going to try and recount it all here; just the highlights will be more than enough.

How I Shaved My Yak

I started with off with a very vanilla lein new app comic-reader. From there, I copied the basic dependencies for a jetty/ring/compojure web app from my url-shortener project. I made some basic routes to make sure everything was working correctly.

Next came adding Clojurescript into the project. This meant setuping the project.clj to point to where the *.cljs files would live, and then configuring the Clojurescript compiler. Basic Clojurescript compilation with lein-cljsbuild is not totally trivial to configure, especially since there are now many different options to the Clojurescript compiler and many resources on the web have older/outdated configuration examples, and typically no explanation whatsoever of why they have it configured they way they do. But overall it wasn’t too tough. It helped significantly that I could again copy setups I had previously found to work.

At this point, I was sick of shaving Yaks for a moment so I went and learned how to use Enlive for doing web scraping! Then, feeling refreshed, I went back to the Yak.

I knew that I wanted the awesome Figwheel plugin for an awesome (mostly) reload-less Clojurescript experience. Again, Figwheel comes with a Lein template that I didn’t use directly. Instead, I made an extra copy and then used it as a reference for when my configuration based on reading the documentation didn’t work.

Next step was adding in Om, and making a basic page setup there. Again, nothing incredibly hard. I mostly just followed the tutorial and everything came together fairly quickly. Only maybe an hour of struggling and cursing at my computer. Then, I decided that I wanted to build a single-page application (SPA). So I started looking at libraries like Secretary and Sablono. Eventually, after reading several blog posts and pages of documentation, I decided that I actually wanted to use Reagent instead of Om. Luckily I hadn’t written much actual code before I came to that decision.

After playing with Reagent for a while, I started having difficulty with thinking about how to use it as the basis for a SPA, especially with in-browser routing happening, and changing the history token so that different app states would be bookmark-able. (N.B. I’ve minimized the explanation of this considerably. I spent a good chunk of time wrestling with getting history integration working with Reagent before realizing that Reagent’s flow didn’t make any damn sense to me.)

Back to the Google! After quite a lot of searching, sleeping, reading, and searching again I found re-frame and it’s epic manifesto. After reading the whole damn thing (and all of the “read-this-first” links), I decided that I would switch from vanilla Reagent to re-frame. Again, thank goodness I hadn’t really written any significant code that was tightly coupled to reagent.

At this point, most everything worked pretty nicely, but there was some significant ugliness about. I had my Figwheel configuration inline in the same file as my main site code, and the clojurescript configurations for production and dev were getting quite messy. After incrementally gaining experience with most of the gaggle of technologies that Chestnut uses, I felt prepared to tackle their template again. So I started using it as a reference to enhance my own configuration.

In particular, I started doing this when I wanted to deploy my app to Heroku. It turns out that there are a whole raft of things that where wrong with my configuration from Heroku’s point of view. But after about two hours of compare/edit/deploy cycles, I finally managed to deploy my app to Heroku.

Wrapping Up

To sum it all up, while this was in some ways a very frustrating exercise (especially at times during the process!), overall it was also a really excellent learning experience. Too often I try and approach too many new things all at once. This often leads quickly to getting overwhelmed by all the new-ness, and then often giving up. It’s not a great pattern.

The longer that I practice programming, the more firmly I come to believe that incremental, evolutions of projects and knowledge are fundamentally more approachable, sustainable and, quite simply, more fun!

Now I’m feeling sort of pumped to do an “Annotated Chestnut” walkthrough of what all the various configurations in Chestnut are doing, and why they are useful and cool.
